Building the bridge between industry and education

We envision a future where every Collierville student is fully prepared and positioned for success for life after high school. No matter their future path or very next step—be it traditional college or a technical training program—they will be light years ahead of their peers. We will empower them to blaze trails, fill a pipeline rich in talent for our local workforce and further cement Collierville as a wonderful place to live and work. And, if we’re lucky, they’re changing the world all the while and leaving a legacy for those who will follow.
Providing the best possible education to our kids must go beyond district budgets and beyond the classroom. Recent reports show that most students aren’t exposed to higher education and career paths (and how to navigate them) until it’s too late. Simply put, many students just are not ready for what’s next when they graduate. That reality is negatively affecting their ultimate career and post-secondary education success. This challenge begets another one—businesses don’t have access to the qualified workforce they need. We’re here to change that on a local level.
PIE endeavors to fill in the gaps of an already-strong school system with a multi-pronged approach. We partner with local businesses and their leaders to answer their workforce needs and create student experience beyond school walls in the form of mentorships, internships, career educations, and entrenchment. We enrich academic, athletic, and arts programs to offer students unparalleled access and training before they ever leave our hallways. We will address priority “brick-and-mortar” needs to create facilities that will produce the best and brightest.
All of this will ready the runway and provide students with a smooth transition after high school. Whatever their path, they will be armed with skills, knowledge, and experience that matter—elements that will set them apart in the marketplace and help ensure college and career success. That not only builds better students, but it also will ultimately build a better Collierville.